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The Full Story

About Us

We are a family owned and operated business. We first started out by doing our own parties and events until we realized we loved doing it together and seeing how much friends and family loved coming to our events. We then branched out and started doing friends and families parties and now here we are expert Event Planners. We are really hoping to keep our business in the family and grow together while growing our client base making each persons party unique and special . 

Wedding Decorations
Abstract Lights


Our Mission is to grow our client base but keeping our family touch, making it very personalized and making each event unforgettable for you and your guest. With a small business we take great pride in being up to par with all information and keeping the client updated as much as possible. We strive to give you what you want but also doing all the heavy lifting. 


Our Vision is actually no vision at all. We hope to make your vision come true making sure there is a smile on your face and all the guest.

Wedding Decorations
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